Friday, October 7, 2016

fred plont-- embezzlers In The Hall - Strange Guy But I Like 'Em




i know so many people who are liars and thieves at thermotron--- it is
easy to see why mark lamers said that "Good people " don't stay here 4

on one of the "many embezzler" jobs i  have been on --

one that really
stands out was with Fred Plont and Hil Sybesma-- during the installation
of the facility in Pablo Colorato-- and

this was during the time that
Thomas Bannach was "druming out " mike Gillio --

as we were filling in our  Labor" hours -- Fred Plont -- showed Hil
Sybesma -- a veriety of hour to charge per day on that job-

- now the
actual hours on the labor charge was (ten) 10 hours,

 but fred Plont
being a smart ass-- offered hil-- other options-- like 12,14 16, or 18
hours-- and

hil Sybesma -- picked the 18 hours per day value-- so the
comment was-- well we can charge the company the time we sleep in the
Hotel --on this job.

and as Hil Sybesma also commented--

well i have to put a new roof on my
house -- and this should pay for it--So that the Embezzlers added an
extra 40 hours on to their work charge report--

 Yes embezzling is a quick way to get a raise-- but it means that you
"have to be a YES man"

Thermotron business management- You don't win friends with salad


Bob wiley thermotron managemet lier and pervert training with John Tenbrink

Catholic Answers Apologist

john tenbrink – thermotron training – You Don’t Win Friends With Salad!

when i worked with john tenbrink–

he was always trying to get his co workers to go to the BAR with him and get Drunk–
he was successful — leading Johm Sherman astray —
 by convincing a
thermotron employee that it was A OK to be an “adulator” and ruin his
this was as John Tenbrink was trying to find a kansas woman to
F+ck — and he did–
 and as that marriage failed–
 marty rich said that
John Tenbrink referred to her name as the BITCH this– and the Bitch
That– no problem–
 as John Tenbrink was a lier and a embezzler and a

john tenbrink – thermotron training – You Don’t Win Friends With Salad!

when i worked with john tenbrink– he was always trying to get his co workers to go to the BAR with him and get Drunk–

\when ever he could he would get the customer to come along– and buy him lunch– get him drunk–

and then ask the customer to writ a “glowing “report on his job performance–

and Bob Wiley the “lying idoit” Drunk– woule see what a “fine job” john tenbrink did for thermotron

yes john tenbrink was a find guy — who would lead his co workers
astray– and then back stab them—

just like thomas bannach — and his gang
of liar’s and thieves

\when ever he could he would get the customer to come along– and buy him lunch– get him drunk–

and then ask the customer to writ a “glowing “report on his job performance–

and Bob Wiley the “lying idoit” Drunk– woule see what a “fine job” john tenbrink did for thermotron

yes john tenbrink was a find guy — who would lead his co workers
astray– and then back stab them—

just like thomas bannach — and his gang
of liar’s and thieves

Thermotron Hell you were there-- Roger cannady and associates – thomas Bannach


get your start at thermotron

Roger cannady and associates – thomas Bannach
and his Pet ‘s


 Gregory V Johnson– hil sybesma– dean tripp– all agreed —


 stealing was called — working the system

by benasinnerworking4christ

Roger cannady and associates – Stop Touching Me Elmo — thermotron former employee


when Thomas bannach was employed at Thermotron–

 He told the Field service engineer in the Branch office that it was Ok

to lie ,cheat steal embezzle and defraud the customer and co workers–

because everyone he knows is like that– and 

and when Roger cannady and his Associates were contacted at the Home Office in Holland Michigan–

Roger cannady reply was — well if you don’t like the way we manage -

– i will accept your resignation–

Yes leadership training with roger Cannady -and his associates- was an expression of a closet pervert–

looking 4 a dummy

Roger Cannady — as the National Service Manager said” well if you don’t like your review”

Dave Waterfield  This idoit-- replaced roger cannady as Thermotron National service manager–
He said that all the offices that thomas bannach and roger cannady
managed —
 stood out like a sore thumb– because of the excessive Robbery–
thief– and embezzlement–
Yes thomas Bannach and his Pet ‘s Gregory V Johnson– hil sybesma– dean tripp–
all agreed — stealing was called — working the system

Thermotron --Not that there's anything wrong with that- holland michigan perverts


thermotron management — hil sybesma told me .. that greg v johnson had Tom Bannach around his “little finger”


thermotron /dean tripp  Gregory v Johnson

the average robbery thief and embezzlement with thomas bannach was 
between 10,000 and 20,000 — the prevert that replaced roger cannady and
associates — Dave Waterfield — said the Offics’ managed  with the Help
of Daniel J o’ke e fe stood out like a sour thumb– yes at thermotron who
ever steal the most and does the best — WINS — big– ask fred plont get
the inside story for this lier and embezzler helper3d-abstract_widewallpaper_witch-craft_45811 4231056

hey i was talking to john dane and mitch kerr at all temp engineering and he was telling me some interesting things about u..

when u worked for tom bannach at thermotron your job was to lie to the customer

2. lie to your co-workers

3.and go heavy and cheat on your travel time and working hours.

.greg v johnson said he wasn’t as big of thief as hil sysbesma, and who ever tells u and

tom bannach want ever lies they want to hear is right..

and it dosen’t matter what u say about any one or do to any one .. so long as u get away with it and blame it on some one else..

hil sysbesma told me .. that gregory v johnson had

 Tom Bannach around his “little finger”

Tom Bannach “liked his lies” and drummed out and defrauded all his co-workers

well Dean Tripp u said they like people like that.. people to steal, rob and lie on a daily basis..
Marty Rich simplified it ..

They thermotron

like it when they tell u that u lied for them..

Tom Bannach was the only manager i know who told his co-workers that He lied for them..

so now they have to lie for him..

Futurama-- Thermotron - Best of Hil Sybesma- management training


yes , Opp's

the thermotron customer listing some how got lost in Hil sybesma's  exit report

when he left thermotron--

Well, it's on thing  for management to "KNOW" of this  BUT it's another thing, 2 PROVE it!!

so thermotron filed a million dollar law suit-- and said -- hey you can't work in this industry any more--

gee i really only know of one person i worked with at thermotron the didn't daily steal and embezzle--

when John Tenbrink--

worked there he would miss lead and defraud his co
workers -- and then run behind their back =--- and tell Bob Wiley --
that so-n-so did this or said that--

then he would say Old-Bob-Wiley-is as- smart-as a Fox@!!

But old Bob-Wiley-- told his "inner-circle-- that it was ok to lie to
him-- about what was going on so long as they didn't get him in

This was also the thermotron management method of Thomas Bannach--

Thomas bannach -

- included that it was OK to lie,cheat, miss lead people
and embezzle a little bit every day--
 because every he know is like

and as Gregory V Joohnson said -- it was ok to lible and slander your co workers---

 because as thomas bannach and Roger Cannady and associates said-- every one was the manager

Not-like --there-s --any-thing--wrong--with --that??

Thermotron hell i met you there side by side


es it’s ok

4 more than 30 years i have observed the thermotron gang–

when i was at Boeing on one of the largests contracts back in 1980 — the engineering

team at Boeing had a saying — about people like john Tenbrink– and dave durham and a few others–

who had the opportunity to work with– which was “Gee take 5 minutes  and tell me every thing you

know about the business”

John TenBrink  was an example that — even then — the industry know
that thermotron “field service

engineers” /technicians — were under

where as Boeing was in the middle of it’s biggest hiring quota of 25,000 thousand people

and Boeing would not hire him — even as a general maintenance man–

but at thermotron  he did say Old Bob Wiley was as smart as a Fox–

Because Bob Wiley said it was Ok to lie to him about your co workers and the customer–

so long as you didn’t get old Bob in trouble

Thermotron -Gossip lies Go the World- ron lampten


Yvonne Criddle Peoples Court Thermotron management training

When i worked at thermotron the manager and staff bragged with good liars they are??

Thomas patterson at ESPEC -- said when he was at thermotron- people would lie all the time,


EVEN when they didn't have to!!! 

and if you didn't go along-with it- they would attack you!!

Mark lamers " bragged that "Good people don't work there 4 long"

aT THERMOTRON you can EMBEZZLE your way to financial security

Ronald wiley got his training there-- high school or GED required

Get special insite to thermotron liars and thieves-- from ALL TEMP ENGINEERING--

mitch kerr, and John Dane have over 30 years experience -- working the these thermotron employee's

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